This section will include the updated capabilities in Lyftron in the month of August. We have added few features and function along with some connectors. For you more detailed view you can click on the links.
New Features
Azure Cognitive AI functions added
Function | Description |
DETECT_FACES | Detects one or more human faces in an image and gets back face rectangles for where in the image the faces are, along with face attributes which contain machine learning-based predictions of facial features. |
USER_TO_ITEM_RECOMMENDATION | Learns from previous transactions to predict which items are more likely to be of interest to or purchased by your customers. |
New Functionality
A section added to show the Running Jobs screen which will display list of currently running jobs.
New connectors added
We have added few database connectors in this month.
Btrieve is a transactional database (navigational database) software product. It is based on Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM), which is a way of storing data for fast retrieval. |
Apache Hive is a data warehouse software project built on top of Apache Hadoop for providing data query and analysis. Hive gives an SQL-like interface to query data stored in various databases and file systems that integrate with Hadoop |
Future Releases:
- BigQuery
- Cosmos DB