Specifies the search condition for the rows returned by the query.
[ WHERE <search_condition> ]
Defines the condition to be met for the rows to be returned. There is no limit to the number of predicates that can be included in a search condition. For more information about predicates, see Predicates.
The following examples show how to use some common search conditions in the WHERE clause.
A. Finding a row by using a simple equality
-- Uses AdventureWorksDW
SELECT EmployeeKey, LastName
FROM DimEmployee
WHERE LastName = 'Smith' ;
B. Finding rows that contain a value as part of a string
-- Uses AdventureWorksDW
SELECT EmployeeKey, LastName
FROM DimEmployee
WHERE LastName LIKE ('%Smi%');
C. Finding rows by using a comparison operator
-- Uses AdventureWorksDW
SELECT EmployeeKey, LastName
FROM DimEmployee
WHERE EmployeeKey <= 500;
D. Finding rows that meet any of three conditions
-- Uses AdventureWorksDW
SELECT EmployeeKey, LastName
FROM DimEmployee
WHERE EmployeeKey = 1 OR EmployeeKey = 8 OR EmployeeKey = 12;
E. Finding rows that must meet several conditions
-- Uses AdventureWorksDW
SELECT EmployeeKey, LastName
FROM DimEmployee
WHERE EmployeeKey <= 500 AND LastName LIKE '%Smi%' AND FirstName LIKE '%A%';
F. Finding rows that are in a list of values
-- Uses AdventureWorksDW
SELECT EmployeeKey, LastName
FROM DimEmployee
WHERE LastName IN ('Smith', 'Godfrey', 'Johnson');
G. Finding rows that have a value between two values
-- Uses AdventureWorksDW
SELECT EmployeeKey, LastName
FROM DimEmployee
WHERE EmployeeKey Between 100 AND 200;
See Also
- Predicates