Lyftrondata stored procedures
Apart from emulating SQL Server's stored procedures, Lyftrondata introduces some of its own. All of them start with lyft_ prefix to be easily distinguished from regular SQL Server stored procedures.
Administrative stored procedures should be used by power users and administrators. Note that most of the tasks can also be achieved conveniently using Lyftrondata Admin Portal user interface.
Cache Management
Connection Management
Stored procedure name |
Description |
sp_addlinkedserver |
Creates a connection to a data source. A connection allows for access to a single data source (endpoint). |
sp_addlinkedsrvlogin |
Creates or updates a mapping between a connection on the local instance of Lyftrondata and a security account on a remote data source. |
sp_dropserver |
Removes a connection from the list of known connections on the instance of Lyftrondata. |
sp_testlinkedserver |
Tests the connection to a data source. |
sp_updatelinkedserver |
Updates a connection to a data source. |
Stored procedure name |
Description |
lyft_set_logging_level |
Dynamically changes Lyftrondata logging level. |
lyft_help_jobs |
Fetches a data set with details of all jobs that the schedule is aware of. |
Job Management
JSON /XML Parsing
Stored procedure name |
Description |
lyft_detect_xml_paths |
This procedure accepts a select statement as a parameter, runs the query and analyzes the first statement and detects unique xml paths for xml columns returned as the first output column of the query. |
lyft_detect_xml_value |
This function helps in converting XML into relational format by preparing a relational format with values as an output. It will detect XML type data for the first column in the provided Sql statement and convert into XPaths which are further evaluated by query analyzer. The schema is built from the table having highest value of XML data and returns the row from the table having highest XML data. |
lyft_detect_xml_sql |
This function helps in automatically converting XML into relational format by preparing sql with XML parsing. It will detect XML type data for the first column in the provided Sql statement and convert into XPaths which is further consolidated in an Sql Select statement which is returned as an output to the user. Users can then use this statement to query the data from that specific table. |
lyft_detect_json_value |
This procedure accepts a select statement as a parameter, runs the query and analyzes the first statement and detects unique Json value for json columns returned as the first output column of the query. |
lyft_detect_json_paths |
This function helps in converting provided JSON into Json paths. It will detect JSON type data for the first column in the provided Sql statement and convert into Json paths which is then output to the user in relational format. The schema is built from the table having highest value of JSON data and returns the row from the table having highest JSON data. |
lyft_detect_json_sql |
This function helps in automatically converting Json into relational format by preparing sql with Json field parsing. It will detect JSON type data for the first column in the provided Sql statement and convert into Json paths which is further consolidated in an Sql Select statement which is returned as an output to the user. Users can then use this statement to query the data from that specific table. |
Spark Management
System Views
Lyftrondata-specific views
Apart from emulating SQL Server's views, Lyftrondata introduces some of its own. All of them start with lyft_
prefix to be easily distinguished from regular SQL Server views.
In general, these views should be used by software developers and administrators. Note that most of the tasks can also be achieved conveniently using Lyftrondata Admin Portal user interface.
View name |
Description |
lyft_functions |
Provides list of functions supported by each Lyftrondata provider. |
lyft_materialized_views |
Contains rows about each materialized view (cached views) and their physical counterparts, that are used as a backend storage of the view. |
lyft_provider_tables |
Provides all tables that exist on a provider connection for a specific database. The view exists in sys schema. |
lyft_recent_statements |
Provides list of recent SQL statements that were received and handled by Lyftrondata. |