The Lyftrondata Provider for Acumatica offers the most natural way to access Acumatica data from Lyftrondata with ease and also enables to connect with BI, MDM & ML tools, Data warehouses, Databases and other SAAS based applications with zero code and zero infrastructure requirements. The provider wraps the complexity of accessing Acumatica data into easy-to-integrate relational fully managed ANSI Sql format. Make faster and better business decisions with Lyftrondata’s Acumatica data provider and automatically build your data migration pipelines in minutes, not months
The provider hides the complexity of accessing data and provides additional powerful security features, smart caching, batching, socket management, and more.
Key Features
- Comprehensive Delta load mechanism.
- Real-time access to Acumatica.
- Comprehensive full support of ANSI Sql to query data with ease.
- Collaborative query processing.
The user must have credentials for Acumatica, Lyftrondata and your destination data warehouse, lake or database to perform the data pipeline operation with Lyftrondata
Establishing a Connection with Lyftrondata's Quickstart Steps
Create your Acumatica connection with Lyftrondata by following the 5 easy steps show below:
Step1. Add your connection
Click on Connect section on the left panel → Click on Add Connection button
Step2. Select your connector
In the connector selection panel, search and click Acumatica for your connection
Step3. Enter your connection details
In the Connection String section enter the values of the below parameters. The following connection string is required to establish Acumatica connection with Lyftrondata.
"Url=https://try.acumatica.com/ISV/entity/Default/17.200.001/;User=user;Password=password;Company=CompanyName;"Key | Value | Field |
Connection Name | Enter your connection details | Required |
Url | https://try.acumatica.com/ISV/entity/Default/17.200.001/ | Required |
User | Your Acumatica Username | Required |
Password | Your Acumatica Password | Required |
Company | Your CompanyName | Required |
Logfile** | Use the logfile option to debug your job and provide your connection name to generate the log file. [ConnectionConfigurationPath]\Connection_name_log.tx | Optional |
Verbosity** | Choose verbosity 1-5 based on the severity of debugging | Optional |
** For more information, check the Lyftrondata logging and debugging section.
If you want more detailed information about how to establish a connection with Lyftrondata, click on Lyftrondata Connection Quick Start guide.
Step4. Test your connection
Once you are done entering your connection details, simply click on the Test Connection button to test the connectivity. In case your connection fails, add Logfile and Verbosity parameters and check the Lyftrondata logging and debugging section, to debug the error.
Step5. Save your connection
Hurray! Now you have successfully connected with the Lyftrondata Acumatica connector and can utilize the connector to Extract, Warehouse, Analyze, Visualize and Share your data.
Data Model
The provider models the data in Acumatica into a list of tables that can be queried using standard SQL statements. Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views do not support updates. Entities that are represented as views are typically read-only entities. Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table, and the data that comes back is similar in that regard.
Name | Type | Description |
Account | Tables | Account is an auto-generated table. |
AccountByPeriodInquiry | Tables | AccountByPeriodInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
AccountBySubaccountInquiry | Tables | AccountBySubaccountInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
AccountDetailsInquiry | Tables | AccountDetailsInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
AccountLocation | Tables | AccountLocation is an auto-generated table. |
AccountSummaryInquiry | Tables | AccountSummaryInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
Adjustment | Tables | Adjustment is an auto-generated table. |
AttributeDefinition | Tables | AttributeDefinition is an auto-generated table. |
Bill | Tables | Bill is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount | Tables | BusinessAccount is an auto-generated table. |
Carrier | Tables | Carrier is an auto-generated table. |
Case | Tables | Case is an auto-generated table. |
CashSale | Tables | CashSale is an auto-generated table. |
Check | Tables | Check is an auto-generated table. |
Contact | Tables | Contact is an auto-generated table. |
Currency | Tables | Currency is an auto-generated table. |
Customer | Tables | Customer is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerClass | Tables | CustomerClass is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerLocation | Tables | CustomerLocation is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerPaymentMethod | Tables | CustomerPaymentMethod is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerPriceClass | Tables | CustomerPriceClass is an auto-generated table. |
Discount | Tables | Discount is an auto-generated table. |
DiscountCode | Tables | DiscountCode is an auto-generated table. |
Tables | Email is an auto-generated table. | |
Employee | Tables | Employee is an auto-generated table. |
Event | Tables | Event is an auto-generated table. |
FinancialPeriod | Tables | FinancialPeriod is an auto-generated table. |
FinancialYear | Tables | FinancialYear is an auto-generated table. |
FOBPoint | Tables | FOBPoint is an auto-generated table. |
InterBranchAccountMapping | Tables | InterBranchAccountMapping is an auto-generated table. |
InventoryAllocationInquiry | Tables | InventoryAllocationInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
InventoryReceipt | Tables | InventoryReceipt is an auto-generated table. |
InventorySummaryInquiry | Tables | InventorySummaryInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
Invoice | Tables | Invoice is an auto-generated table. |
ItemClass | Tables | ItemClass is an auto-generated table. |
ItemSalesCategory | Tables | ItemSalesCategory is an auto-generated table. |
ItemWarehouse | Tables | ItemWarehouse is an auto-generated table. |
JournalTransaction | Tables | JournalTransaction is an auto-generated table. |
JournalVoucher | Tables | JournalVoucher is an auto-generated table. |
KitAssembly | Tables | KitAssembly is an auto-generated table. |
KitSpecification | Tables | KitSpecification is an auto-generated table. |
Lead | Tables | Lead is an auto-generated table. |
LotSerialClass | Tables | LotSerialClass is an auto-generated table. |
NonStockItem | Tables | NonStockItem is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity | Tables | Opportunity is an auto-generated table. |
Payment | Tables | Payment is an auto-generated table. |
PaymentMethod | Tables | PaymentMethod is an auto-generated table. |
PhysicalInventoryReview | Tables | PhysicalInventoryReview is an auto-generated table. |
ProjectTransaction | Tables | ProjectTransaction is an auto-generated table. |
PurchaseOrder | Tables | PurchaseOrder is an auto-generated table. |
PurchaseReceipt | Tables | PurchaseReceipt is an auto-generated table. |
ReportingSettings | Tables | ReportingSettings is an auto-generated table. |
SalesInvoice | Tables | SalesInvoice is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder | Tables | SalesOrder is an auto-generated table. |
Salesperson | Tables | Salesperson is an auto-generated table. |
SalesPricesInquiry | Tables | SalesPricesInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
SalesPriceWorksheet | Tables | SalesPriceWorksheet is an auto-generated table. |
Shipment | Tables | Shipment is an auto-generated table. |
ShippingBox | Tables | ShippingBox is an auto-generated table. |
ShippingTerm | Tables | ShippingTerm is an auto-generated table. |
ShippingZones | Tables | ShippingZones is an auto-generated table. |
ShipVia | Tables | ShipVia is an auto-generated table. |
StatementCycle | Tables | StatementCycle is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem | Tables | StockItem is an auto-generated table. |
Subaccount | Tables | Subaccount is an auto-generated table. |
Task | Tables | Task is an auto-generated table. |
Tax | Tables | Tax is an auto-generated table. |
TaxCategory | Tables | TaxCategory is an auto-generated table. |
TaxZone | Tables | TaxZone is an auto-generated table. |
TransferOrder | Tables | TransferOrder is an auto-generated table. |
TrialBalance | Tables | TrialBalance is an auto-generated table. |
UnitsOfMeasure | Tables | UnitsOfMeasure is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor | Tables | Vendor is an auto-generated table. |
VendorClass | Tables | VendorClass is an auto-generated table. |
VendorPricesInquiry | Tables | VendorPricesInquiry is an auto-generated table. |
VendorPriceWorksheet | Tables | VendorPriceWorksheet is an auto-generated table. |
VoucherEntryCode | Tables | VoucherEntryCode is an auto-generated table. |
Warehouse | Tables | Warehouse is an auto-generated table. |
AccountByPeriodInquiry_Results | Views | AccountByPeriodInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
AccountBySubaccountInquiry_Results | Views | AccountBySubaccountInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
AccountDetailsInquiry_Results | Views | AccountDetailsInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
AccountLocation_Address | Views | AccountLocation_Address is an auto-generated table. |
AccountLocation_Cases | Views | AccountLocation_Cases is an auto-generated table. |
AccountLocation_Contact | Views | AccountLocation_Contact is an auto-generated table. |
AccountLocation_Opportunities | Views | AccountLocation_Opportunities is an auto-generated table. |
AccountSummaryInquiry_Results | Views | AccountSummaryInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
Adjustment_Details | Views | Adjustment_Details is an auto-generated table. |
AttributeDefinition_Values | Views | AttributeDefinition_Values is an auto-generated table. |
Bill_Applications | Views | Bill_Applications is an auto-generated table. |
Bill_Details | Views | Bill_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Bill_TaxDetails | Views | Bill_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Activities | Views | BusinessAccount_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Attributes | Views | BusinessAccount_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Campaigns | Views | BusinessAccount_Campaigns is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Cases | Views | BusinessAccount_Cases is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Contacts | Views | BusinessAccount_Contacts is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Contracts | Views | BusinessAccount_Contracts is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_DefaultLocationSettings | Views | BusinessAccount_DefaultLocationSettings is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Duplicates | Views | BusinessAccount_Duplicates is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Locations | Views | BusinessAccount_Locations is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_MainAddress | Views | BusinessAccount_MainAddress is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_MainContact | Views | BusinessAccount_MainContact is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_MarketingLists | Views | BusinessAccount_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Opportunities | Views | BusinessAccount_Opportunities is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Orders | Views | BusinessAccount_Orders is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_Relations | Views | BusinessAccount_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_ShippingAddress | Views | BusinessAccount_ShippingAddress is an auto-generated table. |
BusinessAccount_ShippingContact | Views | BusinessAccount_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table. |
Carrier_CustomerAccounts | Views | Carrier_CustomerAccounts is an auto-generated table. |
Carrier_PlugInParameters | Views | Carrier_PlugInParameters is an auto-generated table. |
Case_Activities | Views | Case_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
Case_Attributes | Views | Case_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Case_RelatedCases | Views | Case_RelatedCases is an auto-generated table. |
Case_Relations | Views | Case_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
CashSale_Details | Views | CashSale_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Check_Details | Views | Check_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Check_History | Views | Check_History is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Activities | Views | Contact_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Address | Views | Contact_Address is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Attributes | Views | Contact_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Campaigns | Views | Contact_Campaigns is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Cases | Views | Contact_Cases is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Duplicates | Views | Contact_Duplicates is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_MarketingLists | Views | Contact_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Notifications | Views | Contact_Notifications is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Opportunities | Views | Contact_Opportunities is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_Relations | Views | Contact_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
Contact_UserInfo | Views | Contact_UserInfo is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerClass_Attributes | Views | CustomerClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerLocation_LocationContact | Views | CustomerLocation_LocationContact is an auto-generated table. |
CustomerPaymentMethod_Details | Views | CustomerPaymentMethod_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_Attributes | Views | Customer_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_BillingContact | Views | Customer_BillingContact is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_Contacts | Views | Customer_Contacts is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_CreditVerificationRules | Views | Customer_CreditVerificationRules is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_MainContact | Views | Customer_MainContact is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_PaymentInstructions | Views | Customer_PaymentInstructions is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_Salespersons | Views | Customer_Salespersons is an auto-generated table. |
Customer_ShippingContact | Views | Customer_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_CustomerPriceClasses | Views | Discount_CustomerPriceClasses is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_Customers | Views | Discount_Customers is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_DiscountBreakpoints | Views | Discount_DiscountBreakpoints is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_ItemPriceClasses | Views | Discount_ItemPriceClasses is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_Items | Views | Discount_Items is an auto-generated table. |
Discount_Warehouses | Views | Discount_Warehouses is an auto-generated table. |
Email_TimeActivity | Views | Email_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table. |
Employee_Contact | Views | Employee_Contact is an auto-generated table. |
Employee_EmployeeCost | Views | Employee_EmployeeCost is an auto-generated table. |
Employee_EmploymentHistory | Views | Employee_EmploymentHistory is an auto-generated table. |
Event_Attendees | Views | Event_Attendees is an auto-generated table. |
Event_RelatedActivities | Views | Event_RelatedActivities is an auto-generated table. |
Event_Reminder | Views | Event_Reminder is an auto-generated table. |
Event_TimeActivity | Views | Event_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table. |
FinancialPeriod_Details | Views | FinancialPeriod_Details is an auto-generated table. |
FinancialYear_Details | Views | FinancialYear_Details is an auto-generated table. |
InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInDestinationBranch | Views | InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInDestinationBranch is an auto-generated table. |
InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInSourceBranch | Views | InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInSourceBranch is an auto-generated table. |
InventoryAllocationInquiry_Results | Views | InventoryAllocationInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
InventoryReceipt_Details | Views | InventoryReceipt_Details is an auto-generated table. |
InventorySummaryInquiry_Results | Views | InventorySummaryInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table. |
Invoice_ApplicationsCreditMemo | Views | Invoice_ApplicationsCreditMemo is an auto-generated table. |
Invoice_ApplicationsDefault | Views | Invoice_ApplicationsDefault is an auto-generated table. |
Invoice_Details | Views | Invoice_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Invoice_TaxDetails | Views | Invoice_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table. |
ItemClass_Attributes | Views | ItemClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
ItemSalesCategory_Members | Views | ItemSalesCategory_Members is an auto-generated table. |
JournalTransaction_Details | Views | JournalTransaction_Details is an auto-generated table. |
JournalVoucher_Details | Views | JournalVoucher_Details is an auto-generated table. |
JournalVoucher_GLTransactions | Views | JournalVoucher_GLTransactions is an auto-generated table. |
KitAssembly_Allocations | Views | KitAssembly_Allocations is an auto-generated table. |
KitAssembly_NonStockComponents | Views | KitAssembly_NonStockComponents is an auto-generated table. |
KitAssembly_StockComponents | Views | KitAssembly_StockComponents is an auto-generated table. |
KitSpecification_NonStockComponents | Views | KitSpecification_NonStockComponents is an auto-generated table. |
KitSpecification_StockComponents | Views | KitSpecification_StockComponents is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Activities | Views | Lead_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Address | Views | Lead_Address is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Attributes | Views | Lead_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Campaigns | Views | Lead_Campaigns is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Duplicates | Views | Lead_Duplicates is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_MarketingLists | Views | Lead_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table. |
Lead_Relations | Views | Lead_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
LotSerialClass_Segments | Views | LotSerialClass_Segments is an auto-generated table. |
NonStockItem_Attributes | Views | NonStockItem_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
NonStockItem_CrossReferences | Views | NonStockItem_CrossReferences is an auto-generated table. |
NonStockItem_SalesCategories | Views | NonStockItem_SalesCategories is an auto-generated table. |
NonStockItem_VendorDetails | Views | NonStockItem_VendorDetails is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Activities | Views | Opportunity_Activities is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Address | Views | Opportunity_Address is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Attributes | Views | Opportunity_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_ContactInformation | Views | Opportunity_ContactInformation is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Discounts | Views | Opportunity_Discounts is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Products | Views | Opportunity_Products is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_Relations | Views | Opportunity_Relations is an auto-generated table. |
Opportunity_TaxDetails | Views | Opportunity_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table. |
PaymentMethod_AllowedCashAccounts | Views | PaymentMethod_AllowedCashAccounts is an auto-generated table. |
PaymentMethod_ProcessingCenters | Views | PaymentMethod_ProcessingCenters is an auto-generated table. |
Payment_ApplicationHistory | Views | Payment_ApplicationHistory is an auto-generated table. |
Payment_CreditCardProcessingInfo | Views | Payment_CreditCardProcessingInfo is an auto-generated table. |
Payment_DocumentsToApply | Views | Payment_DocumentsToApply is an auto-generated table. |
Payment_OrdersToApply | Views | Payment_OrdersToApply is an auto-generated table. |
PhysicalInventoryReview_Details | Views | PhysicalInventoryReview_Details is an auto-generated table. |
ProjectTransaction_Details | Views | ProjectTransaction_Details is an auto-generated table. |
PurchaseOrder_Details | Views | PurchaseOrder_Details is an auto-generated table. |
PurchaseOrder_ShippingInstructions | Views | PurchaseOrder_ShippingInstructions is an auto-generated table. |
PurchaseReceipt_Details | Views | PurchaseReceipt_Details is an auto-generated table. |
ReportingSettings_ReportingGroups | Views | ReportingSettings_ReportingGroups is an auto-generated table. |
SalesInvoice_BillingSettings | Views | SalesInvoice_BillingSettings is an auto-generated table. |
SalesInvoice_Details | Views | SalesInvoice_Details is an auto-generated table. |
SalesInvoice_FreightDetails | Views | SalesInvoice_FreightDetails is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_BillToAddress | Views | SalesOrder_BillToAddress is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_BillToContact | Views | SalesOrder_BillToContact is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Commissions | Views | SalesOrder_Commissions is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Details | Views | SalesOrder_Details is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_DiscountDetails | Views | SalesOrder_DiscountDetails is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_FinancialSettings | Views | SalesOrder_FinancialSettings is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Payments | Views | SalesOrder_Payments is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Shipments | Views | SalesOrder_Shipments is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_ShippingSettings | Views | SalesOrder_ShippingSettings is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_ShipToAddress | Views | SalesOrder_ShipToAddress is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_ShipToContact | Views | SalesOrder_ShipToContact is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_TaxDetails | Views | SalesOrder_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table. |
SalesOrder_Totals | Views | SalesOrder_Totals is an auto-generated table. |
SalesPricesInquiry_SalesPriceDetails | Views | SalesPricesInquiry_SalesPriceDetails is an auto-generated table. |
SalesPriceWorksheet_SalesPrices | Views | SalesPriceWorksheet_SalesPrices is an auto-generated table. |
Shipment_Details | Views | Shipment_Details is an auto-generated table. |
Shipment_Orders | Views | Shipment_Orders is an auto-generated table. |
Shipment_Packages | Views | Shipment_Packages is an auto-generated table. |
Shipment_ShippingSettings | Views | Shipment_ShippingSettings is an auto-generated table. |
ShippingTerm_Details | Views | ShippingTerm_Details is an auto-generated table. |
ShipVia_FreightRates | Views | ShipVia_FreightRates is an auto-generated table. |
ShipVia_Packages | Views | ShipVia_Packages is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_Attributes | Views | StockItem_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_Boxes | Views | StockItem_Boxes is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_Categories | Views | StockItem_Categories is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_CrossReferences | Views | StockItem_CrossReferences is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_ReplenishmentParameters | Views | StockItem_ReplenishmentParameters is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_SubItems | Views | StockItem_SubItems is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_UOMConversions | Views | StockItem_UOMConversions is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_VendorDetails | Views | StockItem_VendorDetails is an auto-generated table. |
StockItem_WarehouseDetails | Views | StockItem_WarehouseDetails is an auto-generated table. |
Task_RelatedActivities | Views | Task_RelatedActivities is an auto-generated table. |
Task_RelatedTasks | Views | Task_RelatedTasks is an auto-generated table. |
Task_Reminder | Views | Task_Reminder is an auto-generated table. |
Task_TimeActivity | Views | Task_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table. |
TaxCategory_Details | Views | TaxCategory_Details is an auto-generated table. |
TaxZone_ApplicableTaxes | Views | TaxZone_ApplicableTaxes is an auto-generated table. |
Tax_TaxSchedule | Views | Tax_TaxSchedule is an auto-generated table. |
Tax_Zones | Views | Tax_Zones is an auto-generated table. |
TransferOrder_Details | Views | TransferOrder_Details is an auto-generated table. |
TrialBalance_Details | Views | TrialBalance_Details is an auto-generated table. |
VendorClass_Attributes | Views | VendorClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
VendorPricesInquiry_VendorPriceDetails | Views | VendorPricesInquiry_VendorPriceDetails is an auto-generated table. |
VendorPriceWorksheet_VendorSalesPrices | Views | VendorPriceWorksheet_VendorSalesPrices is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_Attributes | Views | Vendor_Attributes is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_Contacts | Views | Vendor_Contacts is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_MainContact | Views | Vendor_MainContact is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_PaymentInstructions | Views | Vendor_PaymentInstructions is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_RemittanceContact | Views | Vendor_RemittanceContact is an auto-generated table. |
Vendor_ShippingContact | Views | Vendor_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table. |
Warehouse_Locations | Views | Warehouse_Locations is an auto-generated table. |
Advanced Settings
To view a detailed advanced settings options, go to Acumatica Advanced Settings. Complete list of the parameters you can configure in the connection string can be found by clicking Connection String Parameters.