Lyftrondata PayRun Provider
The Lyftrondata API Profile for PayRun allows you to query data from PayRun. The PayRun profile is a single file (i.e. payrun.apip) which is meant to be used with the Lyftrondata API Driver. The profile contains the table definitions and other PayRun specific metadata that the Lyftrondata API Driver uses to connect to PayRun.
To use the PayRun Profile set the Profile property of Lyftrondata API Driver to the path of the PayRun profile, as well as the other connection properties specified in the documentation below. Once the Lyftrondata API Driver has been configured, you can issue SQL queries to access data from any of the PayRun Tables.
Connecting to PayRun
PayRun utilizes OAuth1 authentication. You will need to register a developer application in order to use the driver.
To register an application, navigate to Once you have registered, you wil receive a Consumer Key and a Consumer Secret. Set the connection property OAuthClientId to your Consumer Key and OAuthClientSecret to your Consumer Secret. In ProfileSettings, set EmployerId to the Employer Id of the employer you would like to query. If you only have one Employer regisered, this Id will be ER001.
Retrieving Multiple Records
The PayRun API has two types of tables, a singular and plural form for requesting entities. When requesting the plural form, you will receive a set of links back from the "Href" column. This will give you the Ids for each entity in the result set. The singular form of the table will request details for that entity. You can use the Ids returned in the plural table to retrieve details for single entities. For example, a request to EmployeeRevisions will display an Href of /Employer/ER001/Employee/EE001/Revision/1. You can then retrieve details for that EmployeeRevision by running a query such as:
SELECT * FROM EmployeeRevision WHERE EmployeeId = 'EE001' AND RevisionNumber = '1'