The Lyftron Provider for CampaignMonior offers the most natural way to access CampaignMonior data from Lyftron with ease and also enables to connect with BI, MDM & ML tools, Data warehouses, Databases and other SAAS based applications with zero code and zero infrastructure requirements. The provider wraps the complexity of accessing CampaignMonior data into easy-to-integrate relational fully managed ANSI Sql format. Make faster and better business decisions with Lyftron’s CampaignMonior data provider and automatically build your data migration pipelines in minutes, not months
The provider hides the complexity of accessing data and provides additional powerful security features, smart caching, batching, socket management, and more.
Key Features
- Comprehensive Delta load mechanism.
- Real-time access to CampaignMonior.
- Comprehensive full support of ANSI Sql to query data with ease.
- Collaborative query processing.
The user must have credentials for CampaignMonior, Lyftron and your destination data warehouse, lake or database to perform the data pipeline operation with Lyftron
Step1: Setup Campaign Monitor account
1.1 Create account in Campaign Monitor and login
1.2. After Login go to -> Setting and click on -> generate Api key
1.3 Copy your key
Establishing a Connection with Lyftron's Quickstart Steps
Create your CampaignMonior connection with Lyftron by following the easy steps show below:
Step2 : Login to Lyftron
Start creating your connection
2.1 Click on Connect section on the left panel → Click on Add Connection button Choose your provider -> Type CampaignMonitor in search bar
Step2.2 Enter your connection details
In the Connection String section enter the values of the below parameters. The following connection string is required to establish CampaignMonior connection with Lyftron.
'Profile=CampaignMonitor;ProfileSettings='ApiKey=[your_apikey]';Give connection name as Campaign Monitor -> Replace “your_api_key” withCampaign MonitorApi-key , click on test connection -> click save. If connection is not successful so, check the error
Key | Value | Field |
Connection Name | Enter your connection details | Required |
Profile | C:\profiles\CampaignMonitor.apip | Required |
User | your CampaignMonitor api_key | Required |
Password | your CampaignMonitor password | Required |
Profile | C:\profiles\CampaignMonitor.apip | Required |
InitiateOAuth | your CampaignMonitor GETANDREFRESH | Required |
OAuthClientId | your CampaignMonitor client_id | Required |
OAuthClientSecret | your CampaignMonitor client_secret | Required |
CallbackUrl | your CampaignMonitor callback_url | Required |
Logfile** | Use the logfile option to debug your job and provide your connection name to generate the log file. [ConnectionConfigurationPath]\Connection_name_log.tx | Optional |
Verbosity** | Choose verbosity 1-5 based on the severity of debugging | Optional |
** For more information, check the Lyftron logging and debugging section.
If you want more detailed information about how to establish a connection with Lyftron, click on Lyftron Connection Quick Start guide.
Once you are done entering your connection details, simply click on the Test Connection button to test the connectivity. In case your connection fails, add Logfile and Verbosity parameters and check the Lyftron logging and debugging section, to debug the error.
Save your connection
Hurray! Now you have successfully connected with the Lyftron CampaignMonior connector and can utilize the connector to Extract, Warehouse, Analyze, Visualize and Share your data.
Step3 : Normalize
Create data source
After establishing connection, datasource metadata import is needed and for that Lyftron automatically normalize your API & different SQL dialects data into ANSI SQL format and also gives you API sources into simple, code less out of the box data model.
3.1 Click on Normalize section from the left panel -> Click on Add Data Source button, Enter data source name -> Choose CampaignMonitor from the existing connection list -> Click next
3.2 Choose the table you want to import and -> Click Create
Data Model
The provider models the data in APIs into a list of tables that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Generally, querying APIs tables is the same as querying a table in a relational database. Sometimes there are special cases, for example, including a certain column in the WHERE clause might be required to get data for certain columns in the table. This is typically needed for situations where a separate request must be made for each row to get certain columns.
Name | Type | Description |
AccountAdministrators | Tables | list of all (active or invited) administrators associated with a particular account. |
AccountClients | Tables | Returns a list of all the clients in your account, including their name and ID. |
AccountPrimaryContact | Tables | Returns the email address of the administrator who is selected as the primary contact for this account. |
BouncedSubscribers | Tables | Returns a paged result representing all the bounced subscribers for a given list. |
CampaignBounces | Tables | Retrieves a paged result representing all the subscribers who bounced for a given campaign, and the type of bounce (Hard = Hard Bounce, Soft = Soft Bounce). |
CampaignClicks | Tables | Retrieves a paged result representing all subscribers who clicked a link in a given campaign. |
CampaignEmailClientUsage | Tables | Returns the email clients subscribers used to open the campaign. |
CampaignLists | Tables | Returns the lists any campaign was sent to. |
CampaignOpens | Tables | Retrieves a paged result representing all subscribers who opened a given campaign. |
CampaignRecipients | Tables | Retrieves a paged result representing all the subscribers that a given campaign was sent to. |
CampaignSegments | Tables | Returns the segments any campaign was sent to. |
CampaignSpams | Tables | Retrieves a paged result representing all subscribers who marked the given campaign as spam. |
CampaignSummary | Tables | Returns a basic summary of the results for any sent campaign. |
CampaignUnsubscribes | Tables | Retrieves a paged result representing all subscribers who unsubscribed from the email for a given campaign. |
ClassicEmailGroupListing | Tables | Returns a list of classic email groups. |
ClientDetails | Tables | Get the complete details for a client including their API key, access level, contact details and billing settings. |
ClientDraftCampaigns | Tables | Returns a list of all draft campaigns belonging to a client. |
ClientEmailSubscriberLists | Tables | Returns all the subscriber lists across the client, to which an email address is subscribed. |
ClientScheduledCampaigns | Tables | Returns all currently scheduled campaigns for a client. |
ClientSegments | Tables | Returns a list of all list segments belonging to a particular client. |
ClientSentCampaigns | Tables | Returns a list of all sent campaigns for a client. |
ClientSubscriberLists | Tables | Returns all the subscriber lists that belong to a client. |
ClientSuppressionList | Tables | Returns a paged result representing the client's suppression list. |
ClientTemplates | Tables | Returns a list of the templates belonging to a particular client. |
DeletedSubscribers | Tables | Returns a paged result representing all the deleted subscribers for a given list. |
JourneyEmailBounces | Tables | Retrieves a paged result representing all emails that were bounced. |
JourneyEmailClicks | Tables | Retrieves a paged result representing all subscribers who clicked a link in a given journey email. |
JourneyEmailOpens | Tables | Retrieves a paged result representing all subscribers who opened a given journey email. |
JourneyEmailRecipients | Tables | Retrieves a paged result representing all subscribers who have been sent a particular email within a journey. |
JourneyEmails | Tables | Get email list of a journey. |
JourneyEmailUnsubscribes | Tables | Retrieves a paged result representing all subscribers who unsubscribed from a journey email. |
Journeys | Tables | Retrieves a list of all journeys belonging to a particular client. |
JourneySummary | Tables | Get a full summary of a journey. |
ListActiveSubscribers | Tables | Retrieves a paged result representing all the active subscribers for a given list. |
ListCustomFields | Tables | Returns all the custom fields for a given list in your account. |
ListDetails | Tables | Returns a basic summary for each list in your account. |
ListSegments | Tables | Returns all the segments you have created for this list. |
ListStats | Tables | Returns a comprehensive summary statistics for each list in your account. |
SegmentActiveSubscribers | Tables | Returns all of the active subscribers that match the rules for a specific segment |
SegmentDetails | Tables | Returns the name, list ID, segment ID and number of active subscribers within an existing segment as well as the current rules for that segment. |
SmartEmailDetails | Tables | Returns the details for a smart transactional email. |
SmartEmailListing | Tables | Returns a list of smart transactional emails. |
SubscriberDetails | Tables | Retrieves a subscriber's details. |
SubscriberHistory | Tables | Retrieves a historical record of campaigns and automated workflow emails received by a subscriber. |
TemplateDetails | Tables | Returns all the basic details for a specific template. |
TransactionalMessageDetails | Tables | Returns the message details, no matter how it was sent, including status. |
TransactionalMessageTimeline | Tables | Returns a list of sent messages (classic or smart). |
TransactionalStatistics | Tables | Returns delivery and engagement statistics, optionally filter by smart email or classic group. |
UnconfirmedSubscribers | Tables | Contains a paged result representing all the unconfirmed subscribers (those who have subscribed to a confirmed-opt-in list, but have not confirmed their subscription) for a given list. |
UnsubscribedSubscribers | Tables | Returns a paged result representing all the unsubscribed subscribers for a given list. |
Webhooks | Tables | Returns all the webhooks you have created for a given list. |
Step 4: Analyze
Querying the data source data
Lyftron allows you to query the source data by simply writing the ANSI Sql query. Please keep in mind as the data is coming directly from API so, there’s a limit to API calls and performance delay from the Stripe API side which Lyftron can’t control so, don’t expect to pull millions of records in just fraction of seconds. If you have heavy data loads, create the pipeline to unload that data into the Lyftron warehouse and query from it.
4.1. Click on the analyze section on the left panel -> Choose data source from the list, Drag and drop the table -> Choose your querying options
4.2. Click on -> EXECUTE and selected query will return data successfully
Advanced Settings
To view a detailed advanced settings options, go to CampaignMonior Advanced Settings. Complete list of the parameters you can configure in the connection string can be found by clicking Connection String Parameters.