The Lyftrondata Provider for Sybase IQ offers the most natural way to access SybaseIQ data from Lyftrondata with ease and also enables to connect with BI, MDM & ML tools, Data warehouses, Databases and other SAAS based applications with zero code and zero infrastructure requirements. The provider wraps the complexity of accessing Sybase IQ data into easy-to-integrate relational fully managed ANSI Sql format. Make faster and better business decisions with Lyftrondata’s Sybase IQ data provider and automatically build your data migration pipelines in minutes, not months
The provider hides the complexity of accessing data and provides additional powerful security features, smart caching, batching, socket management, and more.
Key Features
- Comprehensive Delta load mechanism.
- Real-time access to Sybase IQ.
- Comprehensive full support of ANSI Sql to query data with ease.
- Collaborative query processing.
The user must have credentials for Sybase IQ, Lyftrondata and your destination data warehouse, lake or database to perform the data pipeline operation with Lyftrondata.
Establishing a Connection with Lyftrondata's Quickstart Steps
Create your Sybase IQ connection with Lyftrondata by following the 5 easy steps show below:
Step1. Add your connection
Click on Connect section on the left panel → Click on Add Connection button
Step2. Select your connector
In the connector selection panel, search and click Sybase IQ for your connection
Step3. Enter your connection details
In the Connection String section enter the values of the below parameters. The following connection string is required to establish Sybase IQ connection with Lyftrondata.
"user=myuser;password=mypassword;Server=localhost;Database=Northwind"Key | Value | Field |
Connection Name | Enter your connection details | Required |
User | your SybaseIQ user | Required |
Password | your SybaseIQ password | Required |
Server | your SybaseIQ localhost | Required |
Database | your SybaseIQ Northwind | Required |
Logfile** | Use the logfile option to debug your job and provide your connection name to generate the log file. [ConnectionConfigurationPath]\Connection_name_log.tx | Optional |
Verbosity** | Choose verbosity 1-5 based on the severity of debugging | Optional |
** For more information, check the Lyftrondata logging and debugging section.
If you want more detailed information about how to establish a connection with Lyftrondata, click on Lyftrondata Connection Quick Start guide.
Step4. Test your connection
Once you are done entering your connection details, simply click on the Test Connection button to test the connectivity. In case your connection fails, add Logfile and Verbosity parameters and check the Lyftrondata logging and debugging section, to debug the error.
Step5. Save your connection
Hurray! Now you have successfully connected with the Lyftrondata Sybase IQ connector and can utilize the connector to Extract, Warehouse, Analyze, Visualize and Share your data.
Data Model
System tables
The structure of every Sybase IQ database is described in a number of system tables. The system tables are designed for internal use. The DUMMY system table is the only system table you are permitted to access directly. For all other system tables, you access their underlying data through their corresponding views.
System table | Type | Description |
DUMMY | Tables | A table with exactly one row, useful for extracting information from the database |
IQ_MPX_INFO | Tables | Contains information describing a server in a multiplex database |
IQ_MPX_STATUS | Tables | Contains dynamic information about a server in a multiplex database |
IQ_MPX_VERSIONLIST | Tables | Contains one row for each query server in the multiplex. |
IQ_SYSTEM_LOGIN_INFO | Tables | Stores system defaults for IQ User Administration |
IQ_USER_LOGIN_INFO | Tables | Stores password expiration, connection limit, and login lock status for each IQ user ID |
SYSARTICLE | Tables | Describes an article in a SQL Remote publication |
SYSARTICLECOL | Tables | Describes columns in each article in a SQL Remote publication |
SYSCAPABILITY | Tables | Each row identifies a capability of a remote server |
SYSCAPABILITYNAME | Tables | Each row identifies a capability |
SYSCHECK | Tables | Each row identifies a named check constraint in a table |
SYSCOLLATION | Tables | Contains the complete collation sequences available to Sybase IQ |
SYSCOLLATIONMAPPINGS | Tables | Lists the collation sequences available in Sybase IQ and their GPG and JDK mappings |
SYSCOLPERM | Tables | Records names of individual columns with UPDATE permission |
SYSCOLUMN | Tables | Describes each column in every table or view |
SYSCONSTRAINT | Tables | Each row describes a named constraint |
SYSDOMAIN | Tables | Lists the number, name, ODBC type, and precision of each predefined data type |
SYSEVENT | Tables | Describes events created with CREATE EVENT |
SYSEVENTTYPE | Tables | Describes system event types which can be referenced by CREATE EVENT |
SYSEXTERNLOGINS | Tables | Describes external logins for remote data access |
SYSFILE | Tables | Lists operating system files and dbspace names for the database |
SYSFKCOL | Tables | Associates each foreign key column with a primary key column |
SYSFOREIGNKEY | Tables | Contains general information about each foreign key |
SYSGROUP | Tables | Describes a many-to-many relationship between groups and members |
SYSINDEX | Tables | Describes indexes in the database |
SYSINFO | Tables | Describes database characteristics |
SYSIQCOLUMN | Tables | Lists information on columns in every table or view in the IQ Store |
SYSIQFILE | Tables | Lists information on operating system files for the database |
SYSIQINDEX | Tables | Lists internal information on indexes in the database |
SYSIQINFO | Tables | Lists additional database characteristics |
SYSIQJOININDEX | Tables | Describes join indexes in the database |
SYSIQJOINIXCOLUMN | Tables | Describes columns that participate in join indexes |
SYSIQJOINIXTABLE | Tables | Lists the tables that participate in each join index in the database |
SYSIQTABLE | Tables | Describes each table or view in the IQ Store |
SYSIXCOL | Tables | Describes each index for each column in the database |
SYSJAR | Tables | Describes each jar file associated with the database |
SYSJARCOMPONENT | Tables | Describes each jar component associated with the database |
SYSJAVACLASS | Tables | Contains all information related to Java classes |
SYSLOGIN | Tables | Lists User Profile names that can connect to the database with an integrated login |
SYSOPTION | Tables | Lists current SET OPTION settings for all users including the PUBLIC user |
SYSPROCEDURE | Tables | Describes each procedure in the database |
SYSPROCPARM | Tables | Describes each parameter to every procedure in the database |
SYSPROCPERM | Tables | Lists each user granted permission to call each procedure in the database |
SYSPUBLICATION | Tables | Describes each SQL Remote publication |
SYSREMOTEOPTION | Tables | Describes the values of SQL Remote message link parameters |
SYSREMOTEOPTIONTYPE | Tables | Describes the SQL Remote message link parameters |
SYSREMOTETYPE | Tables | Contains information about SQL Remote |
SYSREMOTEUSER | Tables | Describes user IDs with REMOTE permissions and the status of their SQL Remote messages |
SYSSCHEDULE | Tables | Describes the times at which events are to fire |
SYSSERVERS | Tables | Describes remote servers |
SYSSQLSERVERTYPE | Tables | Contains information relating to compatibility with Adaptive Server Enterprise |
SYSSUBSCRIPTION | Tables | Relates each user ID with REMOTE permissions to a publication |
SYSTABLE | Tables | Describes one table or view in the database |
SYSTABLEPERM | Tables | Describes permissions granted on each table in the database |
SYSTYPEMAP | Tables | Contains the compatibility mapping values for SYSSQLSERVERTYPE |
SYSUSERMESSAGES | Tables | Lists user-defined error messages and their creators |
SYSUSERPERM | Tables | Lists characteristics of each user ID. Because it contains passwords, you need DBA permissions to select from this table |
SYSUSERTYPE | Tables | Describes each user-defined data type |
SYSWEBSERVICE | Tables | Describes web services |
System view | Type | Description |
SYSARTICLECOLS | Views | Presents a readable version of the table SYSARTICLECOLS |
SYSARTICLES | Views | Presents a readable version of the table SYSARTICLES |
SYSCAPABILITIES | Views | Presents a readable version of the data from the tables SYSCAPABILITY and SYSCAPABILITYNAM |
SYSCATALOG | Views | Lists all tables and views from SYSTABLE |
SYSCOLAUTH | Views | Presents column update permission information from SYSCOLPERM |
SYSCOLUMNS | Views | Presents a readable version of the table SYSCOLUMN |
SYSFOREIGNKEYS | Views | Presents foreign key information from SYSFOREIGNKEY and SYSFKCOL |
SYSGROUPS | Views | Presents group information from SYSGROUP |
SYSINDEXES | Views | Presents index information from SYSINDEX and SYSIXCOL |
SYSOPTIONS | Views | Displays option settings contained in the table SYSOPTION |
SYSPROCAUTH | Views | Presents a readable version of the procedure authorities from SYSUSERPERM |
SYSPROCPARMS | Views | Lists all the procedure parameters from SYSPROCPARM |
SYSPUBLICATIONS | Views | Presents the user name from SYSUSERPERM for all creators and displays a readable version of the publication name and remarks from SYSPUBLICATION |
SYSREMOTEOPTIONS | Views | Presents a readable version of the data from SYSREMOTEOPTION and SYSREMOTEOPTIONTYPE |
SYSREMOTETYPES | Views | Presents a readable version of the SQL Remote information from SYSREMOTETYPE |
SYSREMOTEUSERS | Views | Lists the information in SYSREMOTEUSER |
SYSSUBSCRIPTIONS | Views | Presents a readable version of subscription information from SYSPUBLICATION |
SYSTABAUTH | Views | Presents table permission information from SYSTABLEPERM |
SYSUSERAUTH | Views | Displays all the information in the table SYSUSERPERM except for user numbers. Because it contains passwords, this system view does not have PUBLIC select permission |
SYSUSERLIST | Views | Presents all information in SYSUSERAUTH, except for passwords |
SYSUSEROPTIONS | Views | Displays effective permanent option settings for each user |
SYSUSERPERMS | Views | Contains exactly the same information as the table SYS.SYSUSERPERM, except the password is omitted |
SYSVIEWS | Views | Lists views and their definitions |
Advanced Settings
To view a detailed advanced settings options, go to Sybase IQ Advanced Settings. Complete list of the parameters you can configure in the connection string can be found by clicking Connection String Parameters.