Step 2: Creating a data source
After establishing a connection, data source metadata import is needed and for that Lyftrondata automatically normalizes your API & different SQL dialects data into ANSI SQL format and also gives you API sources a simple, codeless queryable data model.
Click on Source->Add Data Source -> Enter data source name -> Choose existing connection from the list or create new -> Click next -> Choose the tables you want to import -> Click Create
Step 2.1: Checking data source tables metadata
Click on Source on the left panel -> Enter Data Source name in the search bar -> open the Data Source -> Click on the tables you want to explore
Step 2.2: Exploring columns transformation & encryption
Click on the table -> go to columns -> You can choose to register the new columns or add a calculated columns by clicking the button on top right -> To add encryption click on the column -> edit it -> add data masking formula