The first step on your data modernization journey
Step1: Login to Lyftrondata
Step 1.1: Create a Connection
Click on connect -> Add connection -> Choose your provider between source or target-> in this example we choose Gmail
Step 1.2: Provide connection string details for the connection
As shown in the screenshot below, enter the email address that you would like to connect with-> Enter Connection name -> click on self authenticate -> click create. If the connection is not successful refer to the error message provided (see screenshot below for a successful connection message).
Step 1.3: Optional connection logging (used for debugging purposes only; otherwise, this step is not necessary)
Use a log file and verbosity connection string to handle the logging details when you want to perform debugging. Do not use these parameters all the time as doing so will slow the pipeline. Lyftrondata supports verbosity from 1-5. Choose based on your debugging requirements either from the Log file checkbox or enter the Logfile variable manually in the connection as shownbelow. The logfile connection string requires a “ConnectionConfigurationPath” parameter for the Lyftrondata log file location as shown in the screenshot below. Use the log file name as the name of the connection (e.g. stripe_log.txt).
Step 1.4: Check the log file
You can check the log file that you generated for debugging by selecting the "Advanced Configuration" heading
-> Click on the log file (e.g. “Connection_name_log.txt”) to see the content